We’re excited to announce that our Annual Report for 2023-2024 is here!

You can view or download the designed version of the report as a PDF here.

It is also available to read as a plain text PDF or plain text word document.


Please note that there have been key changes in our staff and board since this time, and the staff and board lists in the report are up to date as of July 2024.


Our annual report shines a light on the mahi our organisation has been working on over the 2023-2024 financial year, and includes stats, quotes from young people and workshop clients, reflections from our team as well as project highlights.

We are so grateful to everyone who has supported and continues to support our mahi in all ways, shapes, and forms.


We also offer a huge mihi to graphic designer, Stacia Rodricks from Little Genie Design, for the amazing work she put into designing and typesetting this report for us. You can check out more of Stacia’s awesome design work at littlegenie.co.nz


As a not-for-profit organisation, InsideOUT’s important work relies on the generous donations and support of our community.

If you wish to make a one-off donation directly to our bank account, the details are:

InsideOUT Kōaro

You can also learn how to sign up as a regular donor, or other ways to donate here