InsideOUT is excited to release Join this Chariot during their second annual Schools Pride Week campaign. Join This Chariot is a new resource aimed at supporting Christian schools to be a welcoming and safe place for rainbow students.
Join this Chariot will be useful for staff members, chaplains, whānau, and other school community members who are working to support rainbow rangatahi at schools with Christian special character, and whose school community members hold Christian values and beliefs.
It has been developed in response to the growing need voiced by schools across Aotearoa to support students at the intersections of their faith, culture, and rainbow identities.
The resource’s content is informed by the experiences and knowledge of rangatahi, school staff, and affirming church leaders across Aotearoa, whose knowledge and stories are interwoven with practical advice for schools on supporting rainbow students. It puts people’s experiences in conversation with scripture and explains how the Bible can be understood in rainbow-affirming ways.
It also covers topics such as schools’ relationships with faith communities, youth mental health, language, and culture and theology. It includes prayers and karakia, and profiles of affirming church and spiritual leaders.
Tabby Besley, Managing Director of InsideOUT, says, “we hope this resource will provide Christian schools with the insight and motivation to understand and address the issues rainbow students currently face, and to support rainbow ākonga to feel included and safe at school. This resource shows that it’s possible for people to thrive while being connected to, and embraced by, both their faith and rainbow communities.”
Download a PDF version, or check back soon to learn how to order physical copies.