InsideOUT Kōaro is excited to release our annual report covering the period April 2021 – June 2022.

You can view or download the report as a PDF here: InsideOUT Annual Report 2021-22

Including stats, quotes from young people and workshop clients, reflections from our team and project highlights, our annual report tells the story of our mahi during an exciting period of growth for our organisation.

We offer a huge mihi to our volunteer, Ray, for their incredible mahi designing this report. You can check out their other art and design work over at their website

InsideOUT Kōaro is a largely volunteer-based not-for-profit organisation, so our ongoing work relies on the generous donations and support of our community.

If you wish to make a one-off donation directly to our bank account, the details are:

InsideOUT Kōaro
Or you can learn how to sign up as a regular donor, or other ways to donate here